I'm back! Did you miss me? Sorry for the absence; life got a bit crazy.
So, have you read Rob Bell's Love Wins? Okay, so it came out last year (and I read it about that time, so my memory is a bit fuzzy on the details), but the questions Bell raises in the book have both represented a segment of the Christian population, as well as have created a firestorm of controversy. So many times people accept what is taught them without stopping to wonder if it is correct. Does the typical understanding of hell really come from the Bible, or is a later development that gets read into the Bible (especially as words such as "hades" get translated as "hell", two words that have very different connotations)?
I encourage you to think about what place "hell" has in your understanding of God, life, and Christ's work on the cross. What does the Bible actually say? Below are two links, one to a blog series and the other a single blog entry, that challenge the typical understanding of "hell." Read them and come back here to let me know what you think!
95 Tweets Against Hell
Hell Yes. Hell no! Or Who the Hell Cares?
What do you believe about hell?