Sunday, February 12, 2012

Others Obstacles

Okay, so I’m getting tired of talking about the negatives.  I wanted to get these out of the way first before I start building up some positive answers.  So, I will finish up the negatives (for the most part) today and start on the positives next time!

So, some other obstacles for people to be Christian:
  1. Historical Problems:  The official, institutional church structures have a very good track record of talking for God, but a “spotty” record at best for living out that calling.  The Roman Catholic Church gets criticized often for the Inquisitions, Crusades, Clergy Sex Scandals, etc., but they aren’t the only ones.  Many churches in Germany joined Hitler rather than opposing him and throughout church history (for any church) there are the bad spots.  Again, pride generally makes the problems worse, and humility makes them better.
  2. Denominational Infighting:  I am a member of a denomination and am glad I am in my particular tradition, but I must admit that the arguments between denominations often do not serve to spread the gospel (although I must also admit that sometimes they do).
  3. Creationism/Anti-Scientism:  The opposition by some Christians to science and specifically the fights over creationism drive some or many away from Christianity.
  4. Intrinsic Obstacles:  This is a category of things that are less “problems” and more just obstacles, including the belief in the supernatural, questions about the Bible, and difficult questions (like the problem of evil).  These can be discussed in a loving way, but most cannot be “solved” without damage to essential beliefs.

Are there any other obstacles you have heard people talk about or felt yourself?  


  1. Fear and power are such big forces in the world. It seems that it is very difficult to have a great deal of power without abusing it. It can be and is done, but like being very wealthy, it may be like getting through the eye of a needle as a camel, to have great power and not cause harm. I think powerful people often begin to feel a but like a god themselves and their bad decisions can have very far reaching and very harmful effects. It seems that many churches could live out their calling much more effectively if humble pie was served to all and served very often. I should eat some everyday.
    Fear is another force that causes great harm. I think many people fearing others finding out who they really are or discovering what they have done makes for a pretty big web. And the powerful have more at their disposal to weave their webs. Checks and balances, I guess, are necessary in all human enterprises.
    The Intrinsic Obstacles are interesting. I hope you blog more about these.

    1. Fear and power and indeed powerful forces. And, I think those are two major themes in the Bible. Their opposites are two of the major admonitions/virtues in Scripture as well: Faith and humility. Tie faith and humility together with love and I think you can have a perfect world!
