Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wrong Answer #3: Prosperity (Being a Christian will make my life better.)

I am not a Christian because it will make my life better, easier, and definitely not to make me more financially prosperous.  It is not about joining the right country club or making the right connections, either with influential people or even worse, a close connection with the “Big Guy” upstairs.  God is the King, and kings always have hangers-on who follow the king because they want more influence and access to the royal “gravy train.”  The only love that this answer includes is the love of self and the love of money.  Neither is a good reason to be a Christian.  Sure, Christians have been successful and influential, but successful and influential people have become Christians and have had their lives turned upside down.  Check out Paul of Tarsus in the book of Acts.  He had a great career going, he was a rising star.  Then, he began following Jesus and he got beaten, stoned (not the kind with drugs), shipwrecked, cursed, jailed, etc.  Not exactly success and prosperity as we normally see it, right?

At the same time, this is a dangerous answer to label as “wrong” because there are some true aspects to it as well, but I’ll talk about those later.

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